Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Proper Wednesday randoms...

...will return shortly. 

That is, after I conquer the 5 essays I'm working on. These babies are seriously limiting my ideas for randoms, because thanks to them I'm not going anywhere fun or learning anything new.

Oh wait, yes I am. I'm going to the kitchen to make more tea and learning loads about the construction of online identities and how to do critical discourse analysis.

But that doesn't count.

To maintain some semblance of sanity, I've been taking time off every so often to watch old episodes of The Office online or hit refresh while staring at know, so I can live vicariously through all you lovely people and the neat stuff you've got going on.

Did I just say neat? Anyway...

So until I have something exciting to tell you, I'm going to try not to waste your time. Or mine. Because I've seriously got to get these essays done.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with this picture, because it accurately sums up how I feel after pounding away at my poor keyboard for hours upon end:

"Me? I am never going to be happy again.
So I'm just gonna go curl up in my sock drawer and sleep for days."

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