Sunday, September 16, 2012

A bold and dashing adventure.

One year. One whole year.

That's how long it's been since I moved to London. And it's been the fastest year of my life. I hope things slow down soon so that I can really appreciate them. But somehow I don't see that happening.

Just over a year ago, I went for Chinese with my mom. This was after I finished my last day of the job I had while I lived in Illinois. It was my last day, because I was moving back to New Mexico. I was moving back to New Mexico, because I was getting ready to move to London. 

I remember being a mess of emotions the whole meal. I couldn't believe that I'd be going abroad in just over a month. It was simultaneously exciting and terrifying. And when they brought out our fortune cookies, this is what mine said:

Prior to this, my most meaningful fortune cookie read, "Your place in life is in the driver's seat."
This was right after I passed my driving test.

It was perfectly appropriate. And it couldn't have been more accurate. This entire year really has been a bold and dashing adventure. One year later, I'm still in London -- this time around, much more settled and confident, but still very excited and occasionally terrified. 

But mostly excited.

1 comment:

  1. That's so amazing! I want to visit London someday. One of my besties just moved to Naples, Italy; and we have plans to visit London together when I go visit her.

    How much longer do you have there? Will you be ready to come back, or will they have to drag you on the airplane? :)
