Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I'm all fidgety and I can't concentrate.


I just saw the printed version of my dissertation. Holy cow.

Let me tell you something. Seventy pages looks like a lot more in person than it does on the screen. And when I picked it up, it was heavy -- like the weight of my entire MA year was in my hands.
Dramatic? Maybe a bit (Actually, who am I kidding -- totally dramatic). But my goodness. I'm turning that sucker in tomorrow, and then I'm DONE.


Sorry for overreacting, and for dragging you along with me. I just needed to have a little freak out...and freaking out by yourself is not half as fun as when other people are involved. So thanks for indulging my need to be a bit crazy this morning.

Also, in retrospect, that coffee I just drank may have been a bad decision. I'm all fidgety and I can't concentrate. I need to chill out.

I think that after I turn this in tomorrow, I might do a little dance right there in the postgrad office. Actually, probably not. But I'll be dancing like a fool on the inside. At the same time, I'll probably also be panicking. I just keep telling myself, it's okay. You're not going to fail. And then I think, what if I accidentally plagiarized the whole thing?! What if, somehow, I messed EVERYTHING up?! What if I do, in fact, FAIL?! Not possible, I know, but these are the things that dominate my thoughts.

That's normal, right?


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