Monday, August 20, 2012

Tentative celebrations.

I'm no longer homeless! 

Well, I suppose I never actually was. Still, the possibility was looming. But we found a house! It's lovely too, and just what we were looking for.

Confession: Despite having moved every year for the past six years, this was my very first time to sign a lease without any sort of parental involvement. My fam didn't even know about the house till after we were told the landlady had accepted our offer. So I was mildly terrified about the whole thing. While we were viewing the property, I just knew the leasing agent was going to see right through me -- that he'd realize I was just a kid (24 is still a kid, right?) and laugh me out of there.

I kept telling myself, "Stay cool. Just act like an adult. Stand up straight, think of clever questions to ask, and don't let on that you have absolutely no idea what you're doing here."

This cartoon sums it up nicely:

But I guess we pulled it off, because we left the leasing agency with a piece of paper that said the property was [tentatively] ours. I practically skipped down the street (again, I'm just a kid). It was all very exciting, and I feel like I can breathe again.

Now we're just waiting to make sure all our references go through before we can be absolutely certain we've got it. So keep those fingers crossed.

Barring some horrible, catastrophic mishap, we'll be moving in at the end of the month.


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