Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday randoms.

As one final goodbye to the Olympics, here are 33 of the best gifs from London 2012.

Last week was our one week of summer. It was boiling. I thought I was going to pass out and die on the Tube. But this morning, the air was crisp and chilly. And there were some leaves on the ground. So I guess it's autumn now.

I saw a couple of Waldos on the train the other day. But here, it's "Where's Wally." Silly Brits.

Yes. I realize this is a creeper shot.

Here's something strange I don't think I've mentioned yet: Occasionally over here you'll see a period ("full stop") used in place of a comma when there are numbers involved. Apparently it's a European thing. It's all very confusing.

I really liked this article on 10 Saturdays to have. I think I'll try to incorporate them into my life soon.

We went to the park the other night, and for the first time since I moved to London, I saw stars! And not just one or two, but a whole sky full! That's a big deal, because I swear stars are my love language. (I realize that doesn't make sense.) I've missed them so. 

This is one of my pet peeves. Seriously people, you don't get a whole seat just for your bag.

Just plain rude.

Sometimes when British-accented people say "I'm artistic," I think they're saying "I'm autistic." Which may or may not cause me to stare confusedly and/or ask potentially offensive and definitely awkward follow-up questions. (Sorry about that, random artistic guy I just met.)

Every so often -- and more and more often lately -- I accidentally spell something the British way, like favour instead of favor, or realise instead of realize. But don't worry. I'm always quick to delete it and correct my mistake.

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