Saturday, September 10, 2011

Getting here.

Here are the highlights from my Dallas - Paris adventure:

1. Linda -- I was lucky enough to be seated next to her on my flight from Dallas to D.C. She made me laugh almost the whole way. 

2. Icelandair -- What a funny little airline! The plane was pretty much covered with Iceland tidbits. From the lullaby on my pillow to the language/etiquette tips on the seats, I learned more than I ever expected to about the country (including the fact that the prime minister is listed in the phone book, and about half the country's population believes in elves). Also, the flight attendants pretty much looked like Nordic Barbies...they smiled a lot, but still managed to have an expression that convinced me I should not mess with them. That's partially why I don't have a picture. I was scared to ask. That, and it probably would have been creepy.

You might think this would've helped me sleep. But you could be wrong.

I'm sorry to say I wasn't brave enough to apply this information during my hour in Iceland.

3. Night flights -- I am absolutely no good at sleeping on planes. A handful of half hour segments were the best I could do. Lame.

The whole thing was relatively smooth and pretty easy. Then I left Charles de Gaulle and it went downhill quick. But more on that later.


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