Saturday, September 17, 2011

Serious information overload.

How did it get to be Saturday already?

If I had to sum up the past few days in three words, they'd be, "Serious information overload." I've learned so many names -- of people, of cities, of streets, of shops -- and I'm just hoping it'll all stick.

I live in a big hall of flats with 39 other people, and we're seriously from all over the place. There are people from the UK, the States, Greece, Ireland, Germany, Turkey, Italy, Slovakia and more. It's amazing. (My flatmates and I have decided we need to run a language school out of the building to help us pay for our degrees.) A lot of us went out the other night, and I laughed pretty much the whole time.

So what I'm trying to say is that I'm really happy about my living situation.

In addition to "important" things like figuring out how to use the public transportation and learning about the university (oh, right...I'm here for a degree...), I've also gotten to do a lot of exploring. There's a great little market place/shopping center downtown and the weather has been absolutely beautiful, so I've spent most of my free time just wandering around. It's kind of fun being anonymous in a new city.

And then there's central London. I got to see a bit of it today. We went down to some antique shops and found our way to Kensington Palace. And we found this little gem:

So glad I'm rocking the frizzy Hermione hair. It's totally on purpose.
It was lovely. We're planning to go back and do all the touristy stuff like Big Ben and Buckingham Palace on Monday.

But for now, I need to catch up on sleep.

1 comment:

  1. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I should have made up more difficult tasks for you....
