Monday, September 5, 2011

My bags are packed. I'm ready to go.

I don't really mind packing. I kind of enjoy it, actually. It combines several of the things I love, like making lists and being strategic (yes, I'm that girl).

Because of baggage fees, small trains, weak arms, etc., my mom and I are each taking only one suitcase to the UK. (Except I kind of get both of them, since she packed most everything she'd need in her carry on. Thanks mom!) That means one (ish) suitcase for everything I'm expecting to need during my year at Kingston. Granted, I plan on shipping a couple boxes later, but still. It's not much.

But you would not believe how much I've stuffed into those suitcases. I'm gonna look like Mary Poppins when I take everything out of there. It's kind of amazing, if I do say so myself. Unfortunately, my superb packing abilities have led to one tiny little problem: weight.

I'm not allowed more than 50lbs per bag. I could easily fit 70lbs in there. (Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but not much of one.) So I've been playing a couple of games I'd like to call, "What Weighs More?" and "Suitcase Shuffle." Packing, weighing, unpacking, prioritizing, repacking, weighing, and on, and on, and on.

But I think I've finally got it right, which is a good thing.

Because I leave tomorrow.


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