Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tackling Tesco (aka trying to buy groceries and failing miserably)

Today was grocery shopping day, because (wo)man cannot live on bread alone, and that's basically all I had in our kitchen.

I was surprised by the amount of glass packaging and alarmed by the lack of peanut butter (but there was plenty of Nutella, so that's a relief). And I was a bit bewildered when I realized that the vast majority of the labels were ones I'd never seen before. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I guess I've always just assumed the major brands in the States are global.


I was managing well enough till I got to the butter-slash-yogurt aisle. I saw absolutely nothing I recognized. Then I had a minor panic attack and decided I had plenty in my cart (trolley), and I'd just go back later.

Did I mention that today is Sunday, and EVERYONE was at Tesco? Just a bit chaotic. So that didn't help.

But I can't live without butter. Not for long, anyway.

I'll try again in a few days, and this time I'll be more emotionally prepared.


  1. Haha! I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time, but I love love LOVE reading your stories. It's like I get to live there with you, but not actually. I hope everything's going well... we miss you here! Often I'll think about you in the way of, "Oh, too bad Kristen's not here... she would totally love this recipe." or "Too bad Kristen's not here, she would find this funny too!"

    Being the grocery-store lover than I am, I'd probably be fascinated by all the newness of it. But I also appreciate the need for familiarity, especially with someone so seemingly simple as grocery-shopping. Good luck! Let us know when you decide which products are your new favs!

  2. Clearly I need to edit my comments. I meant " store lover THAT I am...", and "someTHING so seemingly simple as..." I was probably just confused by my 4-word alliteration. ;)
