Monday, May 7, 2012

Vocab lesson.

Here are a few vocabulary tips you may find helpful, should you visit the UK: 


No one here says "oriented." Instead, everyone says, "orientated." As in, "That young man is very goal-orientated." It throws me off every time.

Squash isn't a gourd-type food. It's a flavo(u)red liquid you put in your water. The most popular flavo(u)r? Blackcurrant. What even is that?

This is squash...

Holiday-wear isn't Christmassy. It's swimsuits (called swimming costumes here) and other beach attire. Because here, you don't go "on vacation." You go "on holiday."

If you're looking for an eggplant, don't ask for an eggplant. Ask for an aubergine. And if you want a zucchini, you'll need to ask for a courgette. 

If a guy tells you he's wearing a dressing gown, it's not what you think. It's just a bathrobe. 

When the sign says "dual carriageway," don't expect any horses or buggies. You'll be disappointed. It's referring to a divided highway. 

If you want some jelly for your toast, you might get some funny looks. What you really want is jam. Jelly is Jello. Which would make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich a much more interesting concept...

"J-E-L-L....Y? It's alive."

A public footpath isn't a nature trail, or even the scenic route. It's a plain old sidewalk.

Talking about "bangs" will probably get you laughed at. Here, they call it "fringe."

A mouthguard? Not here. It's a gumshield. 

When abbreviating the term "mathematics," it's not "math." It's "maths." Don't forget that 's'!

Looking for scotch tape? You mean is cellotape, as it's known here.

So there you have it. May you benefit from my knowledge...and be spared from the confused looks that I still face every time I open my mouth.

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