Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday randoms.

It's that time again. Here goes:

I finally got my bank account set up. Now I have a debit card with a chip in it, which means no more weird looks from the checkout people for me!

I'm going to Ireland! My dad's coming to visit in a couple of weeks, and we're flying to Dublin for the weekend. Oh, and our return tickets were only £18.99 each. So excited.

My flat's radiators quit working a couple of days know, right as the weather stopped being all sunny and gloriously warm. We shivered our way through the past few days, but it's back on now, hallelujah. And we got a cake as a result, so there's the silver lining.

Got a problem? Call on the Council of Men. The guys in our building have banded together to solve all our problems. That's where our cake came from. When the Council of Men failed to get our heat working (not that they really had any means to do so...), Gerry made it up to us by providing us with a chocolate cake. Isn't that the best?

Every time I walk by this restaurant, I can't help but laugh. Perhaps someday I'll actually go in.

I was unaware Dallas was known for chicken.

I've established myself as the one who bakes. We had an informal hall meeting in our kitchen the other night, and more than one person asked if there would be refreshments. I, of course, happily obliged. I love having people to bake for.

There are New York Yankees hats everywhere here, but no one watches baseball. It's so weird.

It's strange being the "American representative" in all my classes. Basically any time anything American is mentioned, the lecturer will, at the very least, look my way and often asks me to comment. It's like I'm speaking on behalf of the whole country. I feel woefully unprepared for this.

That's all I've got. Happy Wednesday!

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