Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"Fancy dress."

Remember my don't dress like a skank on Halloween post from a few days ago? Well, don't worry. I took my own advice.

Two of my flatmates and I decided we wanted to do a group costume, so we looked up famous trios. Some of the ones we found included: the three musketeers, the three amigos, the three little pigs, Snap, Crackle and Pop, and Charlie's Angels. (We seriously considered Charlie's Angels, especially since we've got a Charlie next door. But he was out of town, so we nixed that idea.)

About an hour of brainstorming and a couple of shopping trips later, this is what we landed on:

Please excuse the poor lighting in our kitchen.

Can you tell what we are?

Here's a closeup.

Hint: Think nursery rhymes...

That's right! The three blind mice! We used pipe cleaners and headbands to make the ears, eyeliner for our noses and whiskers, broomsticks for our canes, donned some neutral colors, and tadaa! Simple, inexpensive, fun costume. Here's a few more pictures from our evening.

(Clockwise from top left: mouse with cheese, the group, a very scary Thomas, and "She cut off their tails with a carving knife.")

Such a fun night.

And now it's November. Holy cow. Where has the time gone?

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