Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mince pies.

Mince pies are quite popular here. Apparently, they're a Christmas tradition. I wasn't entirely sure they were until recently. But I had an idea of what was in one, and it kind of grossed me out. See if you can follow my logic:

This is mince. Basically the same as ground beef in the States:

This is a mince pie. If you look closely, you'll see that it says, "filled with delicious mincemeat." Sounds tasty, yeah?

And if that didn't make you a little uneasy, this will. Here's how mince pies are displayed at the grocery store:

Now, based on your understanding of how to store meat, and your recent introduction to the concept of mincemeat-filled pies, how do you feel about them being on the shelves, rather than in the refrigerated section?

So can you blame me for being a little averse to trying one?

But then I found out that the mincemeat in mince pies is actually a mixture of chopped dried fruit, with some sugar and spices (and occasionally spirits). And while that name makes absolutely no sense to me in light of that definition, it does make them sound more tasty.

So I tried one. 

And you know what? It was actually pretty good.


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